Site Policy is owned and operated by Honyaku Center Inc., and usage is subject to the following terms.
Please read and agree to them before using this site.
Intellectual property rights and other rights for any and all content on this site are the property of Honyaku Center or its content providers.
Content on this site may be used for personal, private use and other uses as permitted by law. Any other usage, including duplication, reproduction and/or distribution of content without permission from the copyright holder(s) is prohibited by law.
Rights to all trademarks, logos, symbols and other marks displayed on this site belong to Honyaku Center Inc., or their respective copyright holders. Such trademarks, logos and symbols may not be used without permission.
Linking to this site
Honyaku Center welcomes links to this website, but asks that you contact us prior to doing so. However, we ask that you refrain from the following types of links.
- Links from sites with contents that libel or defame Honyaku Center and/or its products and services.
- Links from sites that contain illegal material (or potentially illegal material), engage in illegal activity (or potentially illegal activity) or potentially engage in illegal activity.
- Links from sites that make it unclear that the contents of the site belong to Honyaku Center by embedding or other methods.
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In order to deliver a personalized, responsive service and to improve the site, this uses cookies to record usage information.
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Cookie handling is user controlled and may be changed via your browser settings. Please note that disabling cookies may affect some services offered by this website.
Access Logging
The site records information on visitors in access logs. Information contained in access logs include visitor domain names, browser types, and access dates and times, but does not include any information that can be used to identify individual users. Access logs are used to conduct statistical analyses to measure usage and for maintenance purposes, and will not be used for any other purpose.
While Honyaku Center takes all possible measures to monitor and maintain the accuracy and safety of all information displayed on this site, it does not guarantee its integrity. Honyaku Center shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions on this Site.
Honyaku Center shall not be held responsible for any failures, loss or damage resulting from information on the Site or the use of the Site. Honyaku Center shall not be held responsible for any software or hardware accidents or damage that may occur during the use of the site.
Please note that addresses and other information posted on the Site may be altered or deleted without prior notice. Further, Honyaku Center shall not be held responsible for the content of any site that links to this site.